
Free Piano Lessons: An Awesome Promotion You Won’t Want to Miss

If you’re anything like me, there are two truths in your life: you never have enough time to do anything you really to want to do, and you really like free stuff.

Now, anyone who also is familiar with these truths understands what I am getting at because free things are really great when you want to do something and you don’t have time.  Free means no initial investment, so if you never get around to actually doing it, you haven’t expelled anything but a small amount of energy.  I really like free things.

This guy probably doesn't care about free stuff. He isn't me.

This guy probably doesn’t care about free stuff. He isn’t me.

Earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to talk to Damon Ferrante, a music professor and composer who founded Steeplechase Arts and Productions, a publishing, recording and production company that ranges from offering music lessons to performing all over the world.  Among the many talents that range through this company, Professor Ferrante has created a comprehensive lesson and technique program that is offered on Amazon for the piano, called Piano Scales, Chords & Arpeggios Lessons with Elements of Basic Music Theory: Fun, Step-By-Step Guide for Beginner to Advanced Levels.  This lesson really is comprehensive; it offers not only 140 lessons that range from beginner to advanced, but also accompanying videos that are easily accessible on YouTube.

Which brings me back to my original point: Steeplechase Arts is doing a brilliant promotion tomorrow, and offering the Kindle edition of their piano lesson book for free download to anyone who wants it tomorrow, August 8th.  

Me, circa this weekend because I'm gonna start piano lessons.

Me, circa this weekend because I’m gonna start piano lessons.

I never learned to play piano.  I’ve dabbled in guitar and I am a singer, although I haven’t sung at a professional or competitive level since High School.  But piano was always one of those things that was very far out of reach: lessons were too expensive, or too hard to fit into my busy schedule.  The idea of tracking down YouTube videos or trawling through websites looking for lessons was daunting, and by the time I found anything useful I had run out of time to actually play.  The great thing about this opportunity is that everything is there already.  The lessons are all in the book, and the videos accompany the lessons to show you what you are reading in action.  Professor Ferrante offers clear explanations as he talks through the lessons, showing technique as well as scales, chords and theory, all together working in conjunction to help you achieve success in learning.

So make sure to swing by Amazon tomorrow and download Piano Scales, Chords & Arpeggios Lessons for everyone’s favorite amount of money: free.  And then give yourself the opportunity, during your time and on your schedule, to have an organized and fun experience learning to play piano.

Now I have hope of achieving my dream of being in a Fleetwood Mac cover band.

Now I have hope of achieving my dream of being in a Fleetwood Mac cover band.

Once you’ve taken a few days to check out the lessons, please leave a review on Amazon to let future purchasers and Steeplechase Arts know what you think of the lesson book.  And please let me know by leaving a comment here with your review (or a link to it), or copy and paste it into a e-mail and send it to me (lucrativesequel (at) gmail).  Reviews are very important on Amazon, and we would love to know how useful you have found the lessons.

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